“A word bearing the acute upon the ultima is known as an oxytone, one with the acute upon the penult as a paroxytone, one with the acute upon the antepenult as a proparoxytone. One which bears the circumflex upon the ultima is called a perispomenon, one with the circumflex upon the penult is a properispomenon. These terms, though formidable, will save much laborious periphrasis.”

- A New Introduction to Greek, Chase & Phillips, 1941

Needless to say, we never did master the terms, and laborious periphrasis has been our lot ever since.

Laborious Brit. /ləˈbɔːrɪəs/, U.S. /ləˈbɔriəs/

Characterized by or involving hard work or exertion; requiring much time or effort; arduous, tiring; painstaking, tiresomely difficult. Also of a physical action: performed with great effort or difficulty; slow or deliberate; heavy.

Periphrasis Brit. /pᵻˈrɪfrəsɪs/ , U.S. /pəˈrɪfrəsəz/

Chiefly Rhetoric. A figure of speech in which a meaning is expressed by several words instead of by few or one; a roundabout way of speaking, circumlocution.

- OED Online, accessed 9/1/12

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

For all that it is generally overcast here, we do get the most splendid sun-showers.  You'll be walking down the path under a sunny sky, and you'll feel the first flecks of rain, so faint at first the you imagine it's probably last night's weather being gusted off the leaves.  Soon enough it's picking up into an actual shower, from a sky full of sun.  I can walk all the way home like that, the fall coming harder and harder, until the the clouds catch up.  The rain here is never torrential, but because the cover is more or less omnipresent, there's no telling when it will start up again.  I have a deep abiding affection for rain, and do not mind in the least.

On the subject of small pleasures, I've found vegetables.  The little chain grocery markets all offer a rather pitiable selection of produce, and while there are plenty of middle eastern shops in the squares beyond the University, I wasn't previously aware of anything closer to the flat.  Luckily, I dedicated part of the weekend to exploring a little more thoroughly my side of the Meadows, and found a fruit and veg market just half a block down from the Scotmid.  As a result, the dinner for this week is crepes piled with sharp cheddar and sauteed peppers, zucchini, and mushrooms, with a few daubs of thai green curry sauce.  International, make-it-up-as-you-go-along cuisine is the only way to live.  Anyone that thinks that being a penniless university student means that you have to live off pot noodle is lazy, an idiot, an individual with time management issues, or some combination of the three.

Also, either the the recipe that Twinings uses for English Breakfast in America is different from what they sell here, or that yogurt that I had earlier has gone off to a hallucination-inducing degree, because the cup of tea that I'm drinking while I type this is almost suspiciously good.

1 comment:

  1. Some things in some places are just better than the same things in other places. Or something.
